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✤ Introduction to Christianity Class
2nd and 4th Sundays After 10:00 mass
Individual schedule will be worked out for persons who want to prepare themselves for baptism.
※ For registration, please sign up with the QR code, or contact our church office at tel. 042-361-9888.
~ Open for those who encounter Christianity for the first time, those who wish to be baptized, and those who want to learn a little more about the catechism
✤ Online Bible Study (on Zoom and YouTube)
3rd Fridays 20:00
“Let’s sing with Fr. Vincent in Burmese.”
✤ Weekday Bible Study
Fridays After 09:30 mass (~10:15)
Lectio Divina
- scripture reading, meditation, prayer, and contemplation
✤ Sunday Bible Study
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