Conditional Mass
✤ Holy Mass
We would like to inform you of the points to be noted for participating in Mass https://tokyo.catholic.jp/english/information/39066/ on Catholic Tokyo Archdiocese of June 10, 2020.
Saturday 16:30-Mass (approximately 30 minutes)
① Doors will open 15 minutes before Mass. The maximum number of participants in any one Mass will be limited to 25 persons.
② Your temperature will be checked at the entrance.
Sundays 9:30~11:30~14:30~ 3 times Mass (approximately 30 minutes)
Please take note that the following points are “minimum necessary conditions” .
* Please refer to the following table ⚠︎ (separated by the Japanese syllabary).
* The elderly (especially those who are 86 years old and above) and those who are sick, are requested not to come to church for the moment. Please offer your prayers at home.
*During the Holy Mass, please make sure that you wear a face mask. Please sanitize your hands upon entering the church.
① Doors will open 15 minutes before Mass. The maximum number of participants in any one Mass will be limited to 25 persons.
② Your temperature will be checked at the entrance.
⚠︎ (Classification)
あ行: The first letter of the name is "a・i・u・e・o"
か行:The first letter of the last name is "ka・ki・ku・ke・ko" "ga・gi・gu・ge・go"
さ行:The first letter of the last name is "sa・shi・su・se・so" "za・ji・zu・ze・zo"
た行:The first letter of the last name is "ta・chi・tsu・te・to" "da・de・do"
な行:The first letter of the last name is "na・ni・ nu ・ne・no"
は行 : The first letter of the last name is "ha・hi・fu・he・ho" "ba・bi・bu・be・bo" "pa・pi・pu・pe・po"
ま行:The first letter of the last name is "ma・mi・mu・me・mo"
や以降:The first letter of the last name is "yo" "ra・ri・ru・re・ro" "wa"
週 Week / 時間 Time | ミサに与れるメンバー |
第1週目 09:30 AM | か行・さ行・ま行 |
第1週目 11:30 AM | な行・は行・や以降 |
第1週目 14:30 PM | あ行・た行 |
第2週目 09:30 AM | な行・は行・や以降 |
第2週目 11:30 AM | あ行・た行 |
第2週目 14:30 PM | か行・さ行・ま行 |
第3週目 09:30 AM | あ行・た行 |
第3週目 11:30 AM | か行・さ行・ま行 |
第3週目 14:30 PM | な行・は行・や以降 |
第4週目 09:30 AM | か行・さ行・ま行 |
第4週目 11:30 AM | な行・は行・や以降 |
第4週目 14:30 PM | あ行・た行 |
第5週目 09:30 AM | な行・は行・や以降 |
第5週目 11:30 AM | あ行・た行 |
第5週目 14:30 PM | か行・さ行・ま行 |
[Basic Policy]
Regarding church activities after the cancellation of the emergency declaration, we will resume limited masses in accordance with the notification of the Archdiocese of Tokyo(attached to 2020.5.26).
(Conditions inside the cathedral)
① Secure a distance of 1.5 to 2 meters between the followers (front, back, left and right).
② As a general rule, the liturgical staff will disinfect the interior of the cathedral for preparing the masses
③ Open church windows and doors for adequate ventilation.
④ Do not use the crying room.
⑤ Bring your own hand sanitizer that can be used before receiving Holy Communion.
⑥ Please be sure to wear a face mask when entering the cathedral.
⑦ When you sit down on the chair, write your name on the numbered card and post it in the box provided.
⑧ Bring the Bible and Liturgy home
⑨ A staff will check your body temperature.
(Conditional Holy Mass on stage 3)
(1) Mass ceremonies are conducted by a priest and a predecessor.
(2) Consider shortening the time for celebration
(3) Do not sing chant.
(4) Collection of mass offerings will not be made during the Holy Mass. (It will be handled separately in a donation box etc.)
(5) Receiving Holy Communion in the hand in your seat.
(For activities aside from the Holy Mass)
For funerals, sacraments of forgiveness, Anointing of the Sick, weddings, and other activities, please contact the chief priest directly.
✤Open the cathedral door for individual private prayer
Tuesday 11:00~16:00
Wednesday 9:00~13:00
Saturday 9:00~15:30
Sunday 12:00~13:30 15:00~16:30
✤ Weekday Mass Will be canceled
Every Friday 9:30
✤ Taizė Gathering Will be canceled
2nd Saturday 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Jan. Apr. Jul. Oct. Fuchu Catholic Church
Feb. May Aug. Nov. St. Mark's Church
Mar. Jun. Sep. Dec. Takahata Catholic Church